Hanover Press

Original Protestant Academic & Classic Baptist Literature
Guided by over forty seasoned academics and pastors, Hanover Press publishes original Protestant academic theology and re-prints classic Baptist literature with the quality of a university press and the ecclesial focus of an evangelical publisher.
All titles that we publish must be consistent with the orthodox Protestant tradition and be written by authors who confess the Nicene and Apostles’ Creed.
Current and Forthcoming Publications

Advice to Christian Philosophers
Edited by Christopher Woznicki
2024 marks forty years since Alvin Plantinga’s seminal essay Advice to Christian Philosophers. In the forty years since its publication Christian philosophy has blossomed yet Plantinga’s remarks remain as poignant as ever. In celebration of its fourth decade Hanover Press is pleased to publish a unique volume reflecting on the last 40 years and providing advice for the future from a range of scholars. The book features twenty three essays by seasoned Christian philosophers across the theological spectrum.

A Body of Doctrinal and Practical Divinity, Abridged
John Gill; Edited by Jordan L. Steffaniak, Jonathan Swan, and Garrett M. Walden; Introduced by Michael A. G. Haykin and Jonathan Swan
The abridged volume of Gill’s magnum opus features key sections from Gill’s three-volume work. Sections have been carefully selected by the John Gill Project editorial board to best introduce students and church members alike to one of the greatest Baptist theologians to ever live. Sections feature the nature of God, the incarnation, Baptism, Law and Gospel, Justification, Sanctification, and more.

The Hanover Review
The Journal of the London Lyceum
Volume 3.1 is dedicated to a symposium on Matthew Barrett’s acclaimed Reformation as Renewal. Contributions include a world class lineup of scholars including Richard Cross, Mickey Mattox, Andreas Beck, Jordan Ballor, Peter Opitz, and more.
Why hanover press?
In a shrinking and overcrowded market is there really a need for yet another publisher?
We think so.
Here’s why:
- Popular Protestant publishers often lack quality control and do not publish the sort of titles we think are necessary for the renewing and strengthening of the Protestant tradition.
- The commitment to extensive peer-review of manuscripts is not standardized amongst most Protestant publishers. This is why we are an introductory member with the Association of University Presses. We believe their standards elevate quality.
- The production of high-quality Analytic Theology and philosophical theology by any Protestant publisher is nearly non-existent. Some are even hostile to it. But we believe the retrieval of the scholastic mode of theology is important for the health and advancement of sound theology.
- The retrieval and promotion of historic and contemporary Baptist literature is not a priority for most large publishers and lacks sufficient quality control and scalability for smaller publishers. Most often, re-prints lack the oversight of historical experts and the necessary guidance through introductions and footnotes that make such content lasting and useful to non-historians. Merely reproducing the original content with minor stylistic addendums is insufficient for the retrieval of the Baptist tradition. But we believe the Baptist tradition ought to be stewarded and available to both Baptist churches and the wider Protestant tradition.
- University academic presses lack strong distribution practices, solid marketing, consistent orthodox content, and are poorly priced, making their volumes nearly inaccessible to the church. The original academic content that we produce rivals university academic presses such as Oxford, Cambridge, Routledge, Baylor, Princeton, and Brill but is priced at a level that is accessible, dispensing with outdated marketing models.
- For example, And Was Made Man by Robin Le Poidevin retails for $80 and is written by an agnostic and promotes unorthodox Christology. Similarly, Christology and Metaphysics in the Seventeenth Century by Richard Cross is an important volume but retails for $100.
What does hanover press publish?
Hanover Press is committed to publishing books with the quality of a university press and the ecclesial focus of an evangelical publisher. Therefore, the Press publishes original Protestant single-authored volumes (including monographs and revised unpublished dissertations) and edited volumes. The Press also publishes re-prints of classic Baptist works with expert editorial guidance. Therefore, we seek to resource both the Baptist tradition and the broader Protestant tradition.
All published titles should evidence original contribution and independence of thought, coherent and compelling presentation in both style and structure, and exemplary methodological rigor and mastery of the subject matter material. Published authors are expected to hold terminal degrees in their field of research or significant compensating factors such as extensive peer-reviewed publications in the published area.
All published titles are consistent with the orthodox Protestant tradition—that is, what is held in common by the Second London Confession of Faith, the Orthodox Creed (1679), the Westminster Confession of Faith, the Three Forms of Unity, and the Anglican Formularies—and are written or edited by authors who confess the Nicene and Apostles’ Creed.
Proposals for revised editions of unpublished dissertations will receive the same publication experience as standard original volumes. Therefore, recent graduates ought to expect editorial requirements to prepare for publication. It is extremely rare for a dissertation to require no revisions. However, while revisions are often required, few publishers offer rigorous editorial oversight for monographs based on dissertations, which is a key benefit to publishing with Hanover Press.
Those considering dissertation proposals should consult our dissertation publication guide here.
- The Analytic and Systematic Theology Board of Hanover Press publishes several types of original Protestant academic theology: (1) Dogmatic theology and (2) Analytic and philosophical theology. All work should be sufficiently constructive. Example topics of special interest include (but are not limited to) works discussing the metaphysics of the incarnation, the nature of Christological impeccability, various virtues and vices, accounts of moral theology, Trinitarian models, theological anthropology, religious epistemology, theological psychology, and political theology. Traditional philosophical areas (language, science, law, etc.) are of interest if attuned to theological and pastoral concerns, etc. Traditional commentaries on Scripture, while of great value, are not part of the mission of Hanover Press currently.
- The Baptist Theology Board of Hanover Press publishes constructive and historical Baptist literature. Volumes seeking to defend various baptistic distinctives or provide historical work on Baptists are most welcome, as are re-prints of classic Baptists with academic editorial investment.
- The Confessional and Historical Theology Board of Hanover Press publishes historical theology of all eras of the Christian church and confessional theology that constructively interacts with a confessional Protestant tradition. We welcome works engaging the patristic, medieval, Reformation, and American periods, as well as those engaging the history of Protestant traditions and their theological beliefs. Purely historical works of various periods are not part of the mission of Hanover Press.
Hanover Press re-prints are committed to providing at least the following:
- New introductions: Extensive new introductions to both the original author, the original context, and the nuances of the original text.
- Modernized language and format: Archaic punctuation, words, and phrases are updated for the modern reader. However, the vast majority of the text is left unchanged. Text breaks and headings are updated.
- Updated bibliographic information: Footnotes are added with full bibliographic information on sources referenced in the original text.
- Context: Additional historical, biographical, and theological information is footnoted with relevant details for the reader.
- Updated indices: Scripture indexes and other appendices are added for research purposes.
Who oversees the editorial process?
Hanover Press is committed to producing university press quality content. As an introductory member with the Association of University Presses, we believe peer review is a necessary component of quality publications. Therefore, in addition to the editorial oversight of our Executive Editorial team, we maintain editorial boards made of Protestant scholars (senior and junior) and educated Protestant pastors from various confessional backgrounds. No book receives a contract without their expert feedback and approval. No original volume is published before their review and approval. Our editorial boards serve as a critical backbone for quality.
Hanover Press has three perpetual editorial boards: Analytic and Systematic, Baptist, and Confessional and Historical. Members have a range of expertise including (but not limited to): medieval theology and philosophy, metaphysics and logic, Baptist history, Reformation history, Patristic theology, political theology, and American religious history. Hanover Press also has occasional editorial boards, such as the John Gill Project editorial board.
Board members without a terminal degree are noted with (*). Members are as follows:
can i submit a proposal to hanover press?
Yes. Hanover Press invites proposals for single-authored original volumes, edited volumes, and Baptist re-print volumes by those with terminal degrees. As a press committed to university quality, submissions by those without a terminal degree are not typically accepted. Such proposals must exhibit significant compensating factors such as extensive peer-reviewed publications in the proposal area or academic experience.
Submissions must complete the Hanover Press proposal form and be submitted to contact@hanoverpress.com
Download the proposal form for original volumes here.
Download the proposal form for re-print editions here.
Those considering dissertation proposals should consult our dissertation publication guide here.
what is the publication process flow?
Hanover Press understands the great investment from authors to trust us with their work and seeks to provide consistent and transparent steps throughout the publishing process.
Original volumes should expect a total timeline of 9-12 months for review and production. Re-print volumes can expect 6-9 months for review and production. All timelines are estimates.
Edited volumes follow the same process flow as original volumes.
Re-print volumes follow the same process flow as original volumes except they do not receive manuscript peer review (step 6). The Publisher provides the only editorial feedback.
is there a style guide for hanover press?
Yes. Please review the guidelines here.
The John Gill Project
About the Project
The eminent Baptist pastor-theologian John Gill (1697-1771) is a towering figure in Baptist thought and life. The late D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones thought of Gill as “a man, not only of great importance in his own century, but a man who is still of great importance to all of us….” But more than a mere Baptist theologian, the growing retrieval movement of classically Reformed orthodox theology also places Gill among the greatest theologians.

What is the John Gill Project?
The London Lyceum in partnership with The Andrew Fuller Center has partnered together with the mission to republicize the work of John Gill for a new generation. This includes republishing his works through Hanover Press and a special edition of The Hanover Review from The London Lyceum dedicated to the thought of Gill.
Why form the John Gill Project?
Much of Gill’s work has not seen a fresh publication for a new generation of pastors, students, and scholars in dire need of historical resources that remain resolutely committed to classic orthodox Christian doctrine. While many of Gill’s theological mentors, like Thomas Goodwin and John Owen, have seen renewed interest and efforts in publication, Gill has not. The last publication of Gill’s magnum opus, A Body of Doctrinal Divinity and A Body of Practical Divinity was re-published in 2007 with difficult typesetting and over 1,000 pages of text. More recent republication efforts have not advanced the state of Gill scholarship. What is needed is more than a mere re-printing of his publicly available works. Pastors, students, and laymen deserve access to Gill in a way that is refreshingly readable alongside expert editorial oversight that updates obscure footnotes, introduces unknown figures, and provides careful insights and introductions that situate Gill and his work.
What volumes do you plan to re-publish?
We are currently working on an initial abridged version similar to the abridged version of Herman Bavinck’s magisterial Reformed Dogmatics. It will cover the most important sections of Gill’s work with modern typesetting and editing to around 100,000 total words to allow for a wide range of readership. It will also include a brand-new introduction from historians Michael Haykin and Jonathan Swan. Other volumes in the series are expected to include unabridged sections from Gill’s Body of Divinity and Body of Practical Divinity (e.g. The Trinity, the Divine Attributes, Covenant Theology, etc.), selected sermons (many of which have never been published), and a full three-volume unabridged set of the Body of Divinity and Body of Practical Divinity.
When do you plan to publish them?
The first volume in the series has already been published! Get your copy here. The initial abridged version is estimated for 2024 (the initial expectation was early 2023 but it has been delayed due to our commitment to the highest quality). Follow-up volumes are expected to begin releasing in late 2024 with a goal to complete our initial target by 2028. However, the timeline for such a large project fueled by passionate volunteers is fluid and has the potential for delay. Our first priority is quality and will not rush volumes to publication if they do not meet our standard. Therefore, check back here for future updates where we will regularly amend dates if necessary or add additional volumes expected release dates.
Will there be hardbacks available?
If there is enough interest, yes.
How can I learn more about the project?
Tune in to some of the podcasts we’ve done with other hosts interested in the project! Listen to us on Covenant Podcast, Baptist 21, Doctrine and Devotion, Iron Sharpens Iron, and The B.A.R. Podcast! Or you can listen to us here at the London Lyceum on the project too!
How can I support the John Gill Project?
The best way to support the project is by purchasing volumes and sharing them with your local congregations or institutions. Buy one copy for yourself and another for a friend or colleague to read together.
However, the John Gill Project also requires capital to continue producing and making available his material. Each volume requires a significant monetary investment to make possible. Therefore, financial contributions are most welcome to aid in both the completion and timely completion of the project. We expect a remaining need between $7,500 and $10,000.
Donations can be made easily below. All donations of $100 or more will receive a complimentary copy of our forthcoming abridged copy of John Gill’s beloved Body of Divinity.
The John Gill Project Editorial Board
Michael A. G. Haykin
The Andrew Fuller Center
Jonathan Swan
The Andrew Fuller Center
David Rathel
Gateway Seminary
Jordan L. Steffaniak
The London Lyceum
Garrett Walden
The London Lyceum