Lyceum Disputation Symposiums

Essays in the Lyceum Disputation series range from traditional academic symposium essays to mid-range theses on various theological, historical, and philosophical topics intended to provide greater understanding in a spirit that reflects charity, curiosity, critical thinking, and cheerful confessionalism. The symposiums of traditional academic focus are published as special issues of The Hanover Review.

Previous Symposiums​

This symposium features online-only versions (linked individually below) alongside print and digital PDF versions in our journal The Hanover Review available for purchase. Only the official typeset journal versions should be cited in academic work.

  1. An Accidental Reformation?, by Richard Cross
  2. Duns Scotus, Classical Theist: A Vindication, by Thomas M. Ward
  3. On Matthew Barrett’s “The Reformation as Renewal: Retrieving the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church”, by Mickey L. Mattox
  4. “Reformation as Renewal:” Recatholicizing the Reformers by Manipulating Their Message?, by Peter Opitz
  5. Prolegomena to Any Future Account of Aquinas’s Augustinianism: A Response to Matthew Barrett, by Daniel W. Houck
  6. The Bishop of Rome hath no Jurisdiction in this Realm of England: The English Reformation and Foreign Jurisdiction, by Michael J. Lynch
  7. The Prophetic Role of the Protestant Reformation, by Jordan J. Ballor
  8. Contextualizing “Renewal:” An Examination of Matthew Barrett’s Historical Methodology, by Jonathan Baddley
  9. The Reception of Late Medieval Scholastic Thought in Early Modern Reformed Theology, Andreas J. Beck

Metaphysics & The Christian