The London Lyceum is pleased to announce the formation of Hanover Press.
Hanover Press is a publishing house committed to producing original Protestant academic theology and classic Baptist literature with the quality of a university press and the ecclesial mindset of an evangelical publisher.
As the London Lyceum has grown, so has the demand for print literature that matches our digital content.
The Press is led by the London Lyceum’s President who will serve as the Publisher, Jordan Steffaniak, alongside Press Editor-in-Chief, Garrett Walden, and Senior Editors Christopher Woznicki, Jesse Owens, and Jonathan Baddley. The editorial process is further overseen by over 40 accomplished scholars and churchmen. As further proof of its intent to produce the quality of a university press, the Press is in the process of seeking membership with the Association of University Presses.
Hanover Press is thrilled to announce its launch with the re-publication of Andrew Fuller’s classic The Gospel Worthy of All Acceptation, edited by Garrett M. Walden and introduced by Thomas J. Nettles. The volume is available for pre-order now and will be released December 13th. Pre-order now for 20% off with free shipping!

Publisher Jordan Steffaniak shared about the vision of the Press:
“We believe Protestants, and especially Baptists, have intellectual resources worth finding, retrieving, and publishing. They are worth investing in for the good of the church. But the reality is: Most popular Protestant publishers lack a robustly theological forward looking vision. Because of that they do not publish the material we think is necessary for the renewing of a truly robust Protestant and Baptist tradition. You will search in vain for an academic publisher committed to re-producing important Baptist texts the right way–with introductions and notes from credentialed scholars. Merely reproducing the original content with minor stylistic addendums is insufficient for the retrieval and stewardship of the Baptist tradition. While you may search, you won’t find a popular Protestant publisher committed to producing high-quality Analytic Theology and philosophical theology for the good of the church. It doesn’t exist. But it’s not just the lack from Protestant academic presses that are reason to establish a new publisher. Traditional university academic presses also have major blind spots. They lack strong distribution practices, solid marketing, consistent orthodox content, and are poorly priced making their volumes nearly inaccessible to the church. At Hanover Press, we hope, with the Lord’s provision, to remedy these gaps.”

In more news, Hanover Press is pleased to announce the appointment of Caleb Hawkins as Managing Editor of Theologia Viatorum: The Journal of the London Lycuem. Caleb holds an MDiv from Reformed Theological Seminary, is a PhD candidate in Historical Theology under Michael Haykin, and is an Associate Pastor. Theologia Viatorum is published under the oversight of Hanover Press where Caleb will assist in making the journal a premier academic outpost.
Alongside the launch of the Press, Hanover Press is pleased to share that it will oversee the continued work of the John Gill Project alongside the Andrew Fuller Center for Baptist Studies going forward. The long-awaited one-volume abridgment of Gill’s Body of Divinity is due in 2024. Updates on future volumes will regularly be updated on our website going forward.

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