
We’d like to issue a warm welcome to our listeners from our new website.

Why a website? We want to make it easy to find our content and other great recommended resources. Plus we want to have a venue for more content that you’ll find in the “London Lyceum Ledger.” Have an idea for a post? Pitch it our way.

What’s new with the website that you didn’t already have? We’ve added a few things:

  • An about the podcast and hosts page so you can get a quick idea of what we do and who we are
  • An upcoming episodes tab where you can get a sneak peek into the episode vault and what will be coming soon
  • An official podcast store for LL gear
  • A donation page for those interested in supporting our work
  • A content submission page for those interested in publishing work on the website
  • A resources page where you can find several of our general recommended resources outside the monthly resources episode

What’s not changing? The great podcast content! The podcast itself is still our primary focus but we think this website can provide ancillary value and we hope to promote shorter pieces that can help encourage thinking.

Talk soon.

Jordan and Brandon


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