The Best of the London Lyceum 2021

We at the London Lyceum had an amazing year thanks to you–our readers and listeners. We want to highlight our top posts and podcasts from the year to both encourage those who helped make them possible and to give you some tips on what to read or listen to if you missed them! If you think something is missing, share it and tag the author/guest to encourage them.

We are also very excited for 2022 with some exciting new ventures, including the first issue of our annual print journal Theologia Viatorum, a new “roundtable” format for live podcasts and YouTube videos (subscribe now to stay ahead of the game!) with time for live in-video audience questions (details to come!), and a new podcast series on denominations, among many more potential ideas. We can’t wait. We think these are going to be a great service to get you thinking!

As a quick note for the below, these are only posts or podcasts released in 2021. So, if something released in 2020, it won’t be listed and if it released late in 2021, it may have an unfair disadvantage. But if it overcame this, you know it’s really great.

P.S. Don’t forget about the London Lyceum society–also launched in 2021! Join here.

As always, stay tuned.

Top Podcasts of 2021

  1. Theonomy and Baptists with Tom Hicks
  2. The Hanover House – Typology and Allegory with Mitch Chase and Richard Barcellos
  3. Baptist Identity with Timothy George
  4. Reformed Two Kingdom Theology and Meredith Kline with Michael Beck
  5. Trinity, Christology, and the Theological Interpretation of Scripture with Tom McCall

Honorable Mentions:

  1. Baptism with Gray Sutanto
  2. Desire, Trinity, Gender, and Race with Sarah Coakley
  3. The Hanover House – Baptists and Communion (special guests Jonathan Baddley and Jesse Owens)

Top Posts of 2021

  1. Book Review: The Failure of Natural Theology, by Jordan Steffaniak
  2. Book Review: The Making of Biblical Womanhood, by Jordan Steffaniak
  3. Book Review: The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self, by Fellipe do Vale
  4. Virtues and Vices in Christian Polemic: A Response to Craig Carter, by Joel Chopp and Tom McCall
  5. Book Review: Contemplating God with the Great Tradition, by Jordan Steffaniak

Honorable Mentions:

  1. Ten Books for Thinking about Early Modern English Baptists, by Matthew C. Bingham
  2. Sermon Plagiarism as Vice: A Short Exploration and Defense, by Jordan Steffaniak
  3. “Libertarian Free Will”: How to Avoid Some Confusions, by Taylor Cyr


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