Announcing Staff and Publication Updates

The London Lyceum is pleased to announce several important updates, including staff additions and publication updates.

Staffing Updates

As the London Lyceum continues to grow so does the need for additional personnel. To meet this continued demand the London Lyceum has welcomed Zach Williams as our new Online Content Manager, Matt Gilleskie as Hanover Press Assistant Editor, and Elijah Blalock, Jeff Rathbun, and Joshua Sharp as Content Assistants. Each of them is serving critical functions to aid pursuit of the mission: serious thinking for a serious church. Williams is finishing his PhD at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Kentucky and Gilleskie, Blalock, Rathbun, and Sharp serve as Pastors in North Carolina, Georgia, Missouri, and Texas. The London Lyceum remains committed to scholarship for the church as evidenced by the growing number of Pastors committed to supporting the mission. More information on each is available at our website.

The London Lyceum continues to interview and hire several remaining positions. Those interested can find more information here.

As a further organizational update to manage continued growth the London Lyceum has formed a new Executive Leadership team to aid in decision-making and content production. Jordan Steffaniak, Chris Woznicki, Caleb Hawkins, Garrett Walden, Jonathan Baddley, and Hunter Hindsman have been appointed to serve as executive leaders going forward. Steffaniak, Woznicki, and Walden have served the London Lyceum together since its formation as a 501(c)3 non-profit organization with Hindsman, Hawkins, and Baddley joining the team soon thereafter. Each is critical to the ongoing work of the London Lyceum, especially the success of Hanover Press.

Publication Updates

Hanover Press is pleased to announce the renaming of its peer-reviewed academic journal to “The Hanover Review: The Journal of the London Lyceum.” The journal was formerly called “Theologia Viatorum: The Journal of the London Lyceum.” The need for a name change became apparent to the Press through the confusion generated by another journal with the same primary name, “Theologia Viatorum.” To distinguish the journal and aid search engines the choice was made to change the name effective immediately. Publisher of Hanover Press, Jordan Steffaniak commented:

We love what Theologia Viatorum means: theology of the pilgrims. It is a fitting embodiment of our vision for scholarship. However, when we initially named the journal and launched it, we did not do our due diligence and failed to realize another journal by the same name existed with nearly 10 years’ worth of publications and over 270,000 downloads. This has caused continued confusion for those seeking to find our journal through search engines. Therefore, we decided it was better to make a change sooner rather than later and took the opportunity to rename our journal to be consistent with our overall branding to The Hanover Review. Hanover references the “Hanover House” in early modern England where many Baptist pastors would gather to drink coffee and discuss and debate theology. We are very excited for the future of the journal, especially with our forthcoming issues this year. We really believe The Hanover Review is already a serious contender for the premiere philosophical theological journal and Baptist history journal.

The Hanover Review published volume 2.1 on John Gill (available digitally here and in print here) this month with vol. 3.1 on the Reformation as Renewal Symposium expected in late March. Later this Winter, vol. 3.2 on the Theological Interpretation of Scripture is expected to be published. The 2024 call for papers is expected to be posted in late Spring or early Summer.

Hanover Press continues to field new proposals for the traditional academic press for monographs as well. Several volumes are currently moving through the process flow of proposal and peer review with the expectation to begin seeing new volumes releasing as soon as this Fall. Recently Hanover Press Senior Editor Chris Woznicki agreed to edit a new volume “Advice to Christian Philosophers: Reflections on the Past and Future of Christian Philosophy” featuring 20 of the leading Christian philosophers today, such as Tim Pawl, Tim Pickavance, Peter van Inwagen, Ed Feser, and Linda Zagzebski. It is an example of the academic quality the Press is committed to achieving and producing. The volume is expected to be available this Fall.

Hanover Press continues to oversee work on the John Gill Project with an expectation to release the long awaited and highly anticipated abridged Body of Divinity, featuring thirteen of the most important sections from Gill’s systematic theology. Future volumes are expected to continue with the goal of reaching ten total volumes by 2028.


The London Lyceum similarly announced the launch of a new fundraising campaign with the goal of $40,000 in 2024. Through the Lord’s kind providence over the past five years, The London Lyceum has seen incredible growth, and we anticipate greater expansion over the five years to come. In the last year alone, we launched Hanover Press, Kiffin’s Keep, Generally Particular, and more. With the help of the Lord, our impact over the coming five years will be even greater than the first. As our institution matures, the need for financial support grows in lockstep. These funds will go to support four discrete areas:

  • Relationship Management Travel Funds: $10,000
  • Hanover Press Content Support: $11,500
  • Research Support: $8,500
  • The London Lyceum Staff Support: $10,000

Similar institutions have budgets in the hundreds of thousands of dollars, even upwards of millions of dollars annually. The London Lyceum, however, remains a shockingly lean organization with an annual budget below ten thousand dollars. Despite its lean structure, the London Lyceum does not generate enough revenue to support the growing demands of the organization. Therefore, support from partners like you is critical. More information on the fundraising campaign can be found here. Donations can also be made there. All donors of $250 or greater will be included in journal editions as partners in serious thinking.


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