2022 In Review

The Lord has been gracious to The London Lyceum once again in 2022 and we are thankful for your support, partnership, and friendship. Whether you listen to our podcasts, read our essays, watch our YouTube, or hang out in our Slack community, we believe the formation of friendships will help us achieve our mission.

Our Commitment

As an institution, we remain firmly committed to cultivating serious thinking for a serious church. We continue to retrieve the wisdom from analytic philosophy, the Baptist tradition, and classical Protestantism as confessed in the confessional documents of the Reformed tradition. And we still think serious thinking requires seriousness about Christian virtue, so we persist in our efforts to cultivate an intellectual culture of charity, curiosity, critical thinking, and cheerful confessionalism.

Our Accomplishments

2022 has seen our flagship podcast become entrenched as the premier Baptist philosophical-theological podcast in the world. It has seen our website publish some of the best book reviews you’ll find. It has featured the highest quality essays–especially through our new Lyceum Disputation Symposiums. Topics have ranged from Theonomy to Christian Platonism and have featured some of the greatest thinkers on these subjects. 2022 has also seen us launch our YouTube channel, initially through our roundtable events that are incredibly popular. But 2022 has also seen the formation, launch, and first volume to the John Gill Project–an effort to retrieve, republish, and repopularize the work of John Gill for a new generation backed and overseen by Gill experts like Michael Haykin, David Rathel, and Jonathan Swan. 2022 also saw us officially become a 501(c)3 organization as we plan to build for the future. The world needs more robustly Protestant institutions amidst our cultural decay. And we want to serve the church for longer than a mere generation. If you believe in our vision we’d covet both your prayers and your financial support as we seek to build something that is worth lasting.

2023 plans to be an exciting year for us, once again. We have a lot of plans that we pray the Lord uses for the furthering of the local church. But you’ll have to tag along to find out all that we have schemed up.

In the meantime, below are your favorite podcasts, essays, and YouTube videos from 2022. These are the most listened to, read, and watched in 2022 regardless of when they were released. Happy listening, reading, and watching.

Top Podcasts of 2022

  1. A Protestant Political Theology Roundtable
  2. Recovering Sacrament in the Baptist Tradition with Michael Haykin
  3. The History of Baptism with Gavin Ortlund
  4. Covenant Theology Roundtable
  5. Classical Theism: Trinity and Simplicity Roundtable

Honorable Mentions

  1. The Rise and Fall of Dispensationalism with Daniel Hummel
  2. The Hanover House – Confessionalism with Joe Thorn and Robert Briggs
  3. The Trinity and Salvation with Fred Sanders
  4. The Hanover House – Baptists, Baptism, and Bunyan’s Wall of Division

Top Essays of 2022

  1. Disputatio: A Response to Owen Strachan, Sam Parkison
  2. Classical Reformed Theonomy, Stephen Wolfe
  3. Book Review: The Mission of God, Reviewed by Tom Musetti
  4. When Activists Do History, Alex DiPrima
  5. Book Review: The Making of Biblical Womanhood, Reviewed by Jordan Steffaniak

Honorable Mentions

  1. Book Review: The Failure of Natural Theology, Reviewed by Jordan Steffaniak
  2. Natural Theology and the Uneasy Conscience of Modern “Calvinism”, Jordan Steffaniak
  3. The Underlying Problem: A Brief Analysis of Meredith G. Kline’s Response to Theonomy, Michael Beck
  4. Historic Protestant Political Theology: Theonomy and Theological Tinkering, Miles Smith IV

Top YouTube of 2022

  1. Covenant Theology Roundtable
  2. A Protestant Political Theology Roundtable
  3. Classical Theism: Trinity and Simplicity Roundtable
  4. Classical Theism and Conciliar Christology: Problems and Solutions


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