On the Inferiority of “Revisionary Metaphysics”: A Review Essay
Note: This is the online version of an essay from the Hanover Review 3.2 on the Theological Interpretation of Scripture. Print copies are available here and
Note: This is the online version of an essay from the Hanover Review 3.2 on the Theological Interpretation of Scripture. Print copies are available here and
2024 has nearly come to a close and its hard to not marvel at the providence of God for us at The London Lyceum. We
“The gospel is not enough to help someone with sexual addiction.” I could not believe those words came out of the mouth of a Christian
“You can’t help a bird flying over your head, but you can keep it from building a nest in your hair.” For many Christians, Martin
Halloween arrived early this year in the biblical counseling world. In May 2024, Heath Lambert published a video essay entitled “Priests in the Garden, Zombies
I’ve heard from numerous pastor-friends that they’re thinking about leaving their church for this or that opportunity. Sometimes it’s ministry burnout and he wants to
Throughout their history, Baptists in America have been known as “people of the Book” committed to the simple preaching of the Bible. To some inside
Do you “know what time it is”? The enlightened ones know. The rest don’t. Whatever time you think it is, it’s clear we are at
The London Lyceum is pleased to announce the hiring of six new staff members, the launch of pre-orders for the highly anticipated Advice to Christian
The following is a series of short Q&A essays exploring advice for prospective seminary PhD students. This essay features Dr. Paul Jo, Administration Assistant to