The Hanover Review
The Hanover Review (formerly Theologia Viatorum): The Journal of the London Lyceum is a peer-reviewed journal for analytic, Baptist, and/or confessional theology that is published on an (at least) annual basis by the London Lyceum. The journal seeks to promote serious thinking for a serious church by retrieving the wisdom from analytic philosophy, the Baptist tradition, and classical Protestantism as articulated in the confessional documents of the Reformed tradition. The journal seeks to promote the Reformed catholic tradition by confessing what is held in common by the Second London Confession of Faith, the Orthodox Creed, the Westminster Confession of Faith, the Three Forms of Unity, and the Anglican Formularies. The journal publishes content that is consistent with the Nicene and Apostles’ Creed and the orthodox Protestant confessional tradition.
The Hanover Review is primarily a special issue journal but general topic essays are included as part of each issue.
Accepted articles include the following: articles dealing with analytic or systematic theology, Baptist theology, confessional or historical theology, or any theological or philosophical article advancing serious Christian thinking.
The journal also prioritizes translations or transcriptions of existing quality literature that is not published in English or not available in an accessible format with the addition of a brief introduction as special essays.
The current acceptance rate of essays for the journal is 44%.
We follow a double-blind peer-review process and seek to provide initial decisions on submissions within 3 months of submission.
Essays should typically be between 3,000 and 8,000 words excluding footnotes but exceptions will be made for works of exceptional value.
Please note that as an academic journal submissions should be original research of the highest quality. Standard literature reviews and summaries of older debates that are common to PhD seminars are not acceptable quality.
Formatting should be done in Chicago style. Several notes to emphasize:
- Please use headings throughout
- Footnotes instead of in-text citations should be used
- Do not use Ibid

Recent Issues
The Hanover Review: The Journal of the London Lyceum is available in both print and digital format. Both options are available below.
- Volume 1.1: The Liberty of Conscience
- Volume 2.1: The Theology of John Gill
- Volume 3.1: The Reformation as Renewal Symposium
- Volume 3.2: The Theological Interpretation of Scripture
- Volume 4.1 The Nicene Creed and Nicene Faith (Forthcoming Winter 2025)
- Seeing the One Called Wonderful: John Owen’s Theological Interpretation of the Scriptures, Hunter Hindsman
- Same Conclusions, Different Hermeneutics: Interpretations of Trinitarian Texts in Calvin’s Corpus and the Belgic Confession, Jackson Gravitt
- The Trinity and the Old Testament, Peter Nesbitt
- Toward a Theological Interpretation of the Psalter, Keith Stanglin
- On the Inferiority of “Revisionary Metaphysics”: A Review Essay, Jordan L. Steffaniak
- Appreciative Reflections on R. B. Jamieson’s Contribution to Theological Exegesis, Brandon D. Smith
General Articles
- The Appropriation of E. Y. Mullins’s Soul Competency For Use in Later Baptist Controversies, Gregory W. Mathis
- Dan Taylor’s Theology of Grace: An Eighteenth-Century Arminian Baptist Perspective, David Lytle
More details on the symposium are available here. This symposium features online-only versions (linked individually below) alongside print and digital PDF versions in our journal The Hanover Review available for purchase (linked above). Only the official typeset journal versions should be cited in academic work.
- An Accidental Reformation?, by Richard Cross
- Duns Scotus, Classical Theist: A Vindication, by Thomas M. Ward
- On Matthew Barrett’s “The Reformation as Renewal: Retrieving the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church”, by Mickey L. Mattox
- “Reformation as Renewal:” Recatholicizing the Reformers by Manipulating Their Message?, by Peter Opitz
- Prolegomena to Any Future Account of Aquinas’s Augustinianism: A Response to Matthew Barrett, by Daniel W. Houck
- The Bishop of Rome hath no Jurisdiction in this Realm of England: The English Reformation and Foreign Jurisdiction, by Michael J. Lynch
- The Prophetic Role of the Protestant Reformation, by Jordan J. Ballor
- Contextualizing “Renewal:” An Examination of Matthew Barrett’s Historical Methodology, by Jonathan Baddley
- The Reception of Late Medieval Scholastic Thought in Early Modern Reformed Theology, Andreas J. Beck
- “The First Care of Government”: John Gill on the Magistrate and the Church, Ian Hugh Clary
- Open and Closed: Presenting John Gill’s Doctrine of Communion, by Brandon C. Jones
- Gill’s Kingdom Taxonomy: Christ, the Church, and the History of the World, by Morgan Byrd
- Defining the Faith: Contrasting Philip Doddridge & John Gill’s Approaches to the Credal Tradition, by Caleb Hawkins
General Articles, Special Essays, and Notes
- “Think and Smoke Tobacco”: Eighteenth-Century Christian Perspectives on Tobacco Use, by Garrett M. Walden
- Robert Robinson’s Liberty: Toleration, Conscience, and Ecclesiology, by Garrett M. Walden
- An Exposition of the Doctrine of Christian Liberty as found in Chapter 21 of the Second London Confession of Faith, by James M. Renihan
- Thomas Helwys, Roger Williams, and Pre-Enlightenment Arguments for Religious Liberty, by Jesse Owens
- God Alone is Lord of the Conscience, Joseph Dunne
- Spurgeon, Temperance, and Christian Liberty, by Geoff Chang
- Liberty of Conscience Requires Guardrails, by J. Ryan Davidson
Special Essay
- American Slavery: A Tale of Two Evangelicalisms, Edited, introduced, and transcribed by Jordan Senecal
Book Reviews
- The Making of Biblical Womanhood, Beth Allison Barr, Reviewed by Jordan Steffaniak
- The Failure of Natural Theology, Jeffrey D. Johnson, Reviewed by Jordan Steffaniak
- Contemplating God with the Great Tradition, Craig A. Carter, Reviewed by Jordan Steffaniak
- The Mission of God: A Manifesto of Hope for Society, Joe Boot, Reviewed by Tom Musseti
Editorial Team
Executive Editors
Jordan L. Steffaniak
Garrett M. Walden
Senior Editor
Caleb Hawkins
Managing Editor
Hunter Hindsman
Executive Editor
Matt Gilleskie
Assistant Editor
Associate Editors
Jonathan Baddley
MA, Assoc. Editor of Reformation Theology (PhD Student, University of Cambridge)
Brandon Ayscue
MDiv, Assoc. Editor (Harriett Baptist Church)
Zak Tharp
MA, Assoc. Editor of Early Modern Theology (PhD Candidate, Ridley College)
Christopher Woznicki
PhD, Assoc. Editor of Systematic & Analytic Theology (Fuller Theological Seminary)
Morgan Byrd
MDiv, Assoc. Editor of Confessional Theology (Palmetto Shores Church)
Ryan Modisette
ThM, Assoc. Editor of Medieval Theology (PhD Student, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary)
Jake Stone
BS, Assoc. Editor of Baptist Theology (MDiv Student, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary)
Editorial Board
Guillaume Bignon
(Association Axiome)
Jason Alligood
(Cedarville University)
Benjamin Quinn
(Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary)
Geoff Chang
(Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary)
James Anderson
(Reformed Theological Seminary)
J.T. Turner
(Anderson University)
Mitch Chase
(Kosmosdale Baptist Church)
David Hogg
(Phoenix Seminary)
Brandon D. Smith
(Oklahoma Baptist University)
Matthew C. Bingham
(Oak Hill College)
Jesse Owens
(Welch College)