Join the Team!

The London Lyceum is managed on a daily basis by a group of dedicated individuals passionate about serious thinking for a serious church. Do you share our vision? We are constantly growing and in need of more people that fit our vision and match our passion to join the team. If any of the below open roles are a match for you, email us at with your CV and why you might be a good fit. We look forward to hearing from you.

Role Openings

Event Manager

General Description: The Event Manager role will be responsible for building, scaling, and managing virtual and in-person “events” such as reading groups of primary Baptist sources and engaging philosophical sources, roundtable recordings for YouTube, and potential in-person conferences.

Compensation: The Event Manager role is currently unpaid. If finances become available an annual stipend would be possible.

Qualifications: The Event Manager should have academic or pastoral experince. The person is not required to be a Baptist but will have substantial agreement with what is held in common by the Second London Confession of Faith, the Orthodox Creed (1679), the Westminster Confession of Faith, the Three Forms of Unity, and the Anglican Formularies.

Future Openings

The London Lyceum has several important projects under construction that will need dedicated and talented individuals to partner with to support. If you have a passion for theological and philosophical education, administrative excellence in publishing, digital archive management, or Baptist history, please reach out as we have non-public roles that will eventually be filled.